Friday, 14 May 2010

Kwaai Lappies

I was in need of topping up my all time LOW inspiration levels yesterday.... so I took the afternoon off from "full time" job and went wandering. As usual I ended up in Woodstock, a suburb of Cape Town that never fails to inspire me. Driving down Main Rd in the pouring rain I spotted this shop. Of course I had to go in. Didn't buy a single thing but walked out feeling like I was part of the real world again. Kwaai.

Later that same day I found a new sample-maker through very convoluted means (too boring to explain here). Basically a very lovely mother and daughter team in Salt River who used to manufacture for Nocturnal Affair. Another door opens. Even more kwaai.

1 comment:

  1. Super kwaai. I think I have a solution to our MoJo posting problem.
